Tattoo acupuncture needles – All you need to know

Benefits of Tattoo Acupuncture Needles

The ColourTech Pro operates using tattoo acupuncture needles and caps as opposed to cartridge needles. If you’ve never used an acupuncture needle before, they can seem a little bit alien at first but they are simple to use and are extremely economical. An acupuncture needle is long and very fine so is quite bendy which makes them perfect for skimming the skin lightly to create beautiful, soft shading.

They are incredibly versatile and can be used for any type of treatment. They’re great for creating super crisp hair strokes due to the fine needle tip and, because of their flexibility, they are the go-to choice for the soft pixel shading you need for a powder brow, shaded eyeliner, or even lip blush.

Because of their flexibility, the needles skim the skin and should be used to gently layer colour using 3 or 4 light passes. This causes less trauma to the skin than that associated with more rigid needles which, ultimately, delivers less downtime for the client and quicker healing.

Hygiene and back-flow when using tattoo acupuncture needles

Tattoo Acupuncture Needles

The needles and caps should be packaged individually in sterile sachets and only handled whilst wearing gloves. The process of pushing your needle through such a sponge would render it unsterile. Once removed from the pouch, an acupuncture needle is placed directly into the handpiece. In view of the fact that you are not using a membrane-protected cartridge, you need to consider how you are going to prevent backflow issues. Some devices require a sponge to be slid over the needle to protect from backflow however, here at ColourTech Pro, we don’t recommend this as sponges can harbor bacteria and are rarely packaged in sterile pouches.

The ColourTech Pro handpiece has an in-built backflow protection system to avoid the use of such sponges as the process of pushing your needle through such a sponge would render it unsterile. Once the needle is inserted into the handpiece, a small plastic cap fits over the tip of the needle and slides snugly into the collar of the device. By pushing down on the cap, you can expose as much or as little of the needle tip as required. The ColourTech Pro is super easy to load and very easy to thoroughly clean after use.

An acupuncture needle is very sharp so must be used lightly- you barely need any pressure at all with this type of needle. It is also advisable to use the needles at a 90-degree angle to the skin, if the angle is any less, there is a risk that you can cause pigment blowout which is where the pigment spreads outside of where you intend it to be. Pigment blowout (or migration) would result in blurry hair strokes and would affect the crispness of any edges you were working to.

Check out our ColourTech Pro YouTube videos to see the handpiece and acupuncture needle in use.

ColourTech Pro